Hey guys! How are y’all doing? I am feeling pretty motivated. This weekend I had my photo shoot. The “suits” edition that involved two corporate suits and two track suits. I remember telling you guys that my aim this year is to wear more things that terrify me. Well I was terrified. Why do you ask?  All of these pieces were tight fitting on my “problem areas” or areas of my body that I have to convince myself to love every single day. One day I will man up and get a belly piercing! Not in the near future though!

But I was terrified wearing these pieces and desperately tried to think of ways to make them more flattering. I think I pulled it off, but this weekend reminded me that body positivity is a continual process. There will never be a time where you will feel as though you’ve arrived or you’ve come to this place of completion. There will always be new hurdles to climb, there will always be new things you will have to overcome.

Whether it is becoming comfortable with your problem area in new outfits out of your comfort zone, or whether it is losing a ton of weight and becoming comfortable in that new body. There will always be a moment where we all will have to look in the mirror and continually learn to love what we see in the mirror. Our cellulite, our love handles, our freckles, our different body types, and enjoying the unique way that God made us. Even recognizing that if we want to change things about ourselves, learning to love ourselves throughout that change.


I saw a post that one of my friends made on her facebook page and it said we don’t need anymore self love, we need Jesus. Well, if it is not apparent by now, I am a Christian. I am not the once a month or bedside baptist type of Christian (no shade). I am a theology major, bible study, every sunday, hold me accountable type of Christian that is deeply in love with Jesus.

In the midst of my love for Jesus, I still need to learn to love myself and the unique way he made me. If we are made in God’s image, then who am I to reject that image? He made me special and unique and he took so much time crafting me. I truly believe that in addition to loving Jesus, I still need to learn self love. I need to appreciate the creation the creator made. I believe the two go hand in hand. I can love Jesus and have self love and I sincerely hope you guys can have the same. (Outfit deets: Suit, Lace top, Shoes)


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