You know how people say, I am sending you happy thoughts or positive light? No shade to those people, but I don’t think that mentally sending someone else happy thoughts can make them feel better. I do believe in the power of prayer (not the same thing as positive light) and I also think that happy thoughts can be beneficial in another way. Happy thoughts are beneficial when you are renewing your mind to continue to think positive thoughts about yourself and your situation. So, as it relates to plus size fashion and body confidence, renewing your mind about what you think about yourself can change your whole perspective.

I remember being in college and I hated my body. I hated my size 10 waist with my 36 DD’s. I continuously remember dreaming of being skinny and being like one of the girls from Mean Girls. With my low cut skirt and my belly piercing. I so desperately wanted to be another version of myself. I remember working out tirelessly to get that flat tummy that never came, I remember purposely not eating so that I would fit this perfect persona of who I felt I should be. I remember getting my weight down to 150 and I still wasn’t happy with myself! I was still depressed.

Fast forward to marriage in my early 20’s then birthing my first child. I remember losing all but 10 pounds of the 60 pound baby weight I gained and still not being happy with what I saw in the mirror. I worked out tirelessly, but the 190 image I saw on the scale still haunted me. I tried so hard to have this flat tummy, perfect body image in my head that I would realistically never attain.

I would realistically never attain this image, because I had to realize that

  1. I was not perfect. Not by a long shot. No one is perfect.
  2. Every body is made differently. Learn to love yours for what it is.
  3. When you are constantly focused on what you aren’t, you miss what you actually are.

All those years, I missed out on who I actually was. Because I was trying to obtain this perfect body, I didn’t value or love myself at 150, at 180, and at my current weight (wink). It all starts with renewing your mind. Thinking positive and happy thoughts about yourself and your body. Every negative thought that you have about your body, replace it with a positive one. Then one day you will wake up and actually believe it. Some days will be harder than others to believe the best about yourself, but when you continuously practice this, you will be that much more grateful and appreciative of the moments in your life where you are reaching your ideal body goals.

(outfit deets: Suit, leopard shirt)

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