2017 was a pretty tough year for me. I was still dealing with the death of my brother, feelings of unworthiness because of my divorce, and struggling mentally and spiritually as a single mom. Overall, I was having a pretty rough time. So, in 2018, I was determined to progress spiritually, mentally, and financially. One of the major things that I accomplished in 2018 was purchasing my own home. Another was making myself a priority. As a mom, you love your kids, so you make them a priority, but I had to realize that I had nothing to offer them if I wasn’t taking care of myself. So I made sure my hair was done, took time for myself, got to really know myself again. Honestly, I don’t think the growth process ever stops, so I am continually seeking out ways to grow and get to know myself a little better.

So, this year, I decided to make quarterly goals to make my New Year’s resolutions seem much more tangible. I was listening to a podcast about business growth and those tips could easily be applied to goals that you set for your life. They said often times when you break your goals down into actionable goals, you achieve them faster. So, I broke those goals down into actionable items, even by the week. Things that I have to do weekly to achieve the bigger quarterly goal. If I want to have a certain amount saved in the first 3 months of the year, then I need to save x amount of dollars per week. Or if I want to lose 20 pounds, then I need to lose 2 pounds a week and need to work out at least 2-3 times a week. (Those are none of my goals, btw). But, because I broke them down by week, I am encouraged that I can meet those goals in my timeline.

The podcast also said that you should create tangible goals. Goals that you can measure. Saying that you want to be a better person is great, but how can you measure the success of that goal? That’s hard. Instead, saying I am going to spend x amount of hours on self-care per week is easier to measure. That could mean taking time for reflection, that could mean weekly therapy, or even getting pampered. Then you can reflect at the end of the year, saying that you did do things to become a better person because you spend x amount of hours doing x,y and z. Honestly, I am pretty pumped about quarterly goals because I feel like they are easier to accomplish.

What about you? Have you tried quarterly goals or actionable goals? Have you seen a difference in their effectiveness? What are some of your goals for 2019?

Outfit deets: Target

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