Hey y’all! I missed y’all! Life has been bananas. I know I don’t talk about it all the time, but being a full time mother of three, working full time, and going to school full time is not as easy as some people may think it is. So, this summer, me and my ex sent the kids back home (Detroit) with our parents. Instead of being productive, I decided to do the opposite. I needed some self care bad.

So, I started a new job in digital marketing, joined a gym and started a new weight lifting regimen, traveled a ton, and started dating again. Out of all the things that I started doing while on my mommy break, the dating one was the most terrifying. Why? Because one of my greatest fears is being vulnerable, transparent, and then getting hurt from a relationship that I was trying to build. But, yet and still, its been like 4 1/2 years. At some point, I have to be willing to be vulnerable.

The second scariest thing was the commitment to joining a gym. I used to be super active before kids. Like consistently at the gym with like 4 different dance classes each week, but with the more kids I have, the more time I have to find in my schedule to workout. So, I figured if I was going to start a gym regimen then I can have it in place while the kids are gone so that when they come back, it’ll be easier to integrate it in my life with everything else. I was terrified of the gym commitment because sometimes if I don’t see results right away, I get super discouraged, which makes me want to quit. So I made a commitment with the gym so it’ll be hard to quit.

I traveled a little bit of everywhere this summer. Including the Bahamas twice. I love travelling. It helps me to really reflect on life and where God is in the midst of it. Sometimes my life can get so cloudy that I miss what God is doing and how he has his hand on me, so reflecting in nature helps me to really see how much of a sovereign God he is.

Blogging and the photo shoots are a way that I express myself in the midst of a continuously busy life. It’s a form of self care for me. It allows me to slow down, do what you love, and enjoy life. Because one day you are going to look up and wish you did the things you dreamed of…you just have to make time.

What does self care look like to you? How do you juggle life?

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