One of my New Year’s Resolution was to ditch online dating in 2019. Why if I am still single? Well, first I have to give you a little backstory. I have been online dating for roughly two years. Trying every website out there, seeing what worked best for me being a single mom and being single in Atlanta. I had tons of friends that praised a different site for each site’s success.

None seemed to work for me. I would always get a ton of matches, but none of them would be quality dates. There would be a date here and there that I would enjoy, but nothing long term. I think mostly because I am looking for quality over quantity. (Not that my friends didn’t have quality guys. They were the exception. Not the rule.) Most of the guys that I have met on those dating sites would be nice looking guys, great jobs, or super established, but none of them had qualities that I was looking for. Some even lied about what they did or where they lived to date me. (Not a big shocker, I know).

What I have also learned is that there are a lot of men with fetishes for plus size women (again, not a big shocker). This was new to me because I had been married for so long. With seeing what’s out there, I decided to take a break all 2019 from online dating.

Here are my top reasons why:

  1. I want someone to get to know me beyond the physical and that just can’t happen behind a swipe on a cell phone.
  2. Most guys that are online dating are not dating seriously, but more casually.
  3. I don’t want to juggle between hundreds of matches to find one quality guy.
  4. I want to enjoy life and not feel stuck to a phone swiping new matches every day in hopes of my prince charming being online.
  5. Because I value human interaction, I’d prefer to meet someone in person. I want to see him and feel butterflies when he approaches me, not having the bubble guts because I might be cat fished.

I know that because millennials are so technology driven that the only way you can really meet people is if you decide to online date, but here is to trusting God will bring a purposeful relationship into my path and not 48902589025 purposeless ones.

Outfit deets: Dress by Zelie For She and shoes by Betsey Johnson

Do you enjoy online dating or dating in general? What are some of your NYE Resolutions?

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